RiScopro: the environmental education project moves towards new opportunities

The RiScopro project, launched in 2022 to promote environmental education and protect the Bressanvido springs, has officially concluded. Managed by EPC, the project engaged over 1,500 students and will continue through the POFT. RiScopro will also be featured at the 2024 Transumanza Festival, promoting further community involvement.

AI Smart – Final Event

We would like to present AI Smart – Interreg Greece-Italy project we participated in the project event held in Bari. During the days of the meeting we had the pleasure of visiting the port of the town of Otranto, where the project’s activities have made possible the enhancement of innovative services for tourism and the […]

RiScopro, know to protect, know to choose

The project RiScopro is targeted to children and young people from primary and secondary schools in the province of Vicenza. The project is part of environmental awareness and protection programmes. In fact, through guided tours and workshop activities, the new generations have been involved in learning about natural ecosystems in order to learn the importance […]