Territorial information systems
EPC – Services – Land and Environment – Territorial Information Systems
Simple and intuitive management of information related to the territory
The goal of our business is to encourage a simple and intuitive management of information related to the territory. We direct ourself in particular towards the public administration and the local authorities, with proposals for specific open-source software that integrate the spatial component (topographic DB, orthophotos, cadastral maps, territorial government plans, building practices management, etc.) with various databases in use by municipalities and public authorities in general.
What We offer
Our product is the CWG WEB. CWG means Comuni (Municipalities) Web Gis and it is aimed at public administration and local authorities. It is a modular platform, easy to use that can be looked up through any browse allowing municipal technicians to have access to territorial databases with a few clicks:
- House numbering
- Building registry
- Territorial zoning (PAT / PI)
- Building practices
- Urban green areas
- Land registry
EPC designs and implements the Territorial Information System. The database can be made available by the public administration or collected by EPC through GIS Mapping surveys.
CWG WEB is a powerful and flexible tool for the management and analysis of territorial data and its publication on the web.
CWG WEB operates on an open-source platform which does not require the purchase of a user license, and can be integrated with any other territorial database.
By Using CWG WEB, the local administrations have a simple and efficient tool for sharing municipal cartography.
Innovative solutions to support territorial management
EPC supports public and private customers who need to apply advanced tools for land analysis and management thanks to its experience and expertise with G.I.S. software (Geographic Information System).
- Updating of the Regional Numerical Technical Maps
- Creation of highly detailed land use maps (up to V Corine level)
- Creation of thematic maps through remote sensing or photo-interpretation techniques (eg glacial typology maps)
- Mapping of flooded areas (through radar images – SAR)
- Mapping and coding of thermal data through aerial footage (eg energy dispersion of buildings)
- Development of tools for the analysis of renewable resources, territorial surveys (gis mapping)
- Creation of thematic maps for tourist – commercial use
- Conversion and processing of geographic databases (GIS analysis)
EPC provides a range of dedicated services for the creation of cartographies and geographic analysis to meet the needs and requirements of different customers. Thanks to the synergy among the wide range of technical resources EPC can be an ideal partner for the development of integrated projects.