News & Novità

Ultime Notizie e Novità

Scopri le nuove tendenze e opportunità di finanziamento nella progettazione ambientale. Rimani aggiornato su normative, best practices e sviluppi del settore per massimizzare l’impatto dei tuoi progetti.

New Advances in Quarry Photogrammetric Surveying Thanks to LiDAR Sensors

New Advances in Quarry Photogrammetric Surveying Thanks to LiDAR Sensors

Quarries are now at the forefront of a technological revolution due to the increasingly widespread adoption of drone photogrammetric surveying. This methodology, already established as one of the most efficient solutions for mapping and monitoring…

EPC srl Participates Enthusiastically in the “Food and Territory” Event for the Cities2030 Project

EPC srl Participates Enthusiastically in the “Food and Territory” Event for the Cities2030 Project

On July 4, 2024, EPC srl participated with great enthusiasm in the event “Food and Territory: Sustainability in Our Daily Habits,” held at Oasi delle Stelle, Azienda Agricola Pernigo. This event, part of the Cities2030…

EPC srl Participates in the Final Event of the Cities2030 Project in Marseille

EPC srl Participates in the Final Event of the Cities2030 Project in Marseille

This week, EPC srl is in Marseille, France, for the final event of the Cities2030 project, organized by La Cité de l’agriculture. The event, titled “Agri-food justice and policy innovation, levers for transforming City Region…

EPC srl Announces the Launch of the EnCLOD Project

EPC srl Announces the Launch of the EnCLOD Project

We are excited to announce the launch of the EnCLOD project, an innovative initiative that will use Open Data to enhance the governance of local authorities and public administrations through better and greater use of…

3D Model Verification with As-Built Survey: Precision and Reliability with Point Clouds

3D Model Verification with As-Built Survey: Precision and Reliability with Point Clouds

It is possible to verify a 3D model through an As-Built survey, and the use of a high-precision point cloud represents an optimal solution for this type of verification. Through a topographically georeferenced and calibrated…

EPC srl Presents the Analysis Results of the Life ENABLE Project in Castelfranco Veneto

EPC srl Presents the Analysis Results of the Life ENABLE Project in Castelfranco Veneto

Today in Castelfranco Veneto, EPC srl presented the results of our analysis as external evaluators of the innovative Life ENABLE project! This three-year project represents a unique opportunity to develop nature management skills among Natura…

EPC srl in Venice for a Crucial Event on Urban Food Planning and Territorial Resilience

EPC srl in Venice for a Crucial Event on Urban Food Planning and Territorial Resilience

Today, EPC srl is in Venice to participate in an unmissable event organized by IUAV as part of the BeBlue project! The day is dedicated to promoting the exchange of experiences and dialogue on crucial…

World Water Day: EPC srl’s Commitment to Sustainable Food Production

World Water Day: EPC srl’s Commitment to Sustainable Food Production

Today is World Water Day, an opportunity to reflect on the increasing pressures on water resources and the importance of adopting sustainable agricultural approaches. In this context, the BeBlue – Beyond Bluegrass project stands out…

Survey on the Romea Road Completed Thanks to LiDAR Technology

Survey on the Romea Road Completed Thanks to LiDAR Technology

The survey of the Romea Road, one of Italy’s main roadways, has been successfully completed. The operation was carried out using a drone equipped with a LiDAR sensor, a cutting-edge technology that enables surveys to…

RiScopro, know to protect, know to choose

RiScopro, know to protect, know to choose

The project RiScopro is targeted to children and young people from primary and secondary schools in the province of Vicenza. The project is part of environmental awareness and protection programmes. In fact, through guided tours…

EPC in Zadar for the AdriaClim Project!

EPC in Zadar for the AdriaClim Project!

EPC in Zadar for the AdriaClim Project Meeting held on 29 and 30 November

EPC at Palazzo Cordellina in Vicenza to celebrate the signing of the Milan Food Policy Pact

EPC at Palazzo Cordellina in Vicenza to celebrate the signing of the Milan Food Policy Pact

On October 27th at Palazzo Cordellina was held the conference 'Sustainable Urban Food', organised by the Municipality of Vicenza within the Cities2030 project activities.

EPC in Venice for the launch of the new interreg ITALY-CROATIA!

EPC in Venice for the launch of the new interreg ITALY-CROATIA!

Today EPC is in Venice for the launch of the new programme and the first call of Interreg Italy-Croatia    So many friends and colleagues, so much information learned… and the first conceps are also…

EPC flies to Brindisi for CASCADE!

EPC flies to Brindisi for CASCADE!

The project management team in Brindisi for the Steering Committee Meeting

Cities2030 at Terra Madre!

Cities2030 at Terra Madre!

An all-female delegation for Cities2030 at Terra Madre in Turin

Trans-Alp: Two conferences to present the project’s results

Trans-Alp: Two conferences to present the project’s results

The project partners in the upcoming days, will present their research results at two major events

New Trans-Alp Project International Workshop!

New Trans-Alp Project International Workshop!


The first EM-CITY Focus Group in Sovizzo (IT)

The first EM-CITY Focus Group in Sovizzo (IT)

The EM-CITY project on-site activities has been launched with the organization of the the first Focus Group

Protect the coast, adapt to climate change!

Protect the coast, adapt to climate change!

As part of the cross-border project AdriaClim Project was organised an international conference "Protect the coast, adapt to climate change!

Interreg SHELTER webinar

Interreg SHELTER webinar

A webinar was held on Thursday 5 May to present the publication "The recovery of rural buildings and opportunities for the Veneto Region mountains"

EPC Lead Partner of the Erasmus+ EM-CITY Project!

EPC Lead Partner of the Erasmus+ EM-CITY Project!

In the European Year of Youth, EPC is coordinating the Erasmus+ Youth EM CITY project in a partnership with non-profit organisations