Survey Strategies

Continuous survey of morphologies

In the last ten years, the approach to discretization survey (for single points) has been joined, and in many cases replaced, by continuous surveys, that is the reconstruction of geometries and shapes in a way that is no longer schematic, but totally adherent to reality
EPC srl is specialized in these methods of surveys, and in every context makes use of the most efficient solution, using in combination one or more tools.


Surveys scale 1-10 m

Statues, small artifacts, architectural details, painted walls

Topographic surveys strategies:

Terrestrial photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanner

Surveys scale> 10 m

Prestigious buildings (internal and external), industrial and civil buildings (hospitals, railway stations ….)

Surveys strategies:

Terrestrial photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanner

Surveys scale> 100 m

Quarries, landfills, hydraulic works, small river contexts

Surveys strategies:

Monoscopic aerial photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanner, GPS

Surveys scale> 500 m

Large riverbeds

Survey strategy:

Monoscopic aerial photogrammetry, GPS